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    Non-Lucid Semi-Lucid | Lucid Daydream Lucid

    I wasn't originally planning to write anything here, but I wanna brag about my name
    1. First and foremost, "Meiseki" (明晰) means "lucid" in Japanese.
    2. But written as 冥関, it can mean sooo much more (if you stretch it). "Invisible barrier," "divine gate," "underworld," "link between life and death," "secret connection," et cetera. This spelling is my favorite.
    3. Found another one, 迷関! Put it into Google Translate/DeepL and it means "labyrinth," "stalemate," and "stumbling block."

    MeiSEKAI is a pun on that, since "sekai" (世界) means world. It's also a nice parallel to the realms in ProSeka, a game I like. But that's not all:
    1. Written as 冥世界, it really does mean underworld/netherworld, though the "世" is left out.
    2. And as 名世界, it can mean "famous world" or "great world."

    Kanji is pretty cool, huh?

    1. Comp Nights 2 to 8 - Fantasy Worlds, Yuri, and Lucidity!

      by , 01-15-2024 at 01:24 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      This has been a surprisingly busy week for me... I have stuff to do every day �� It's my birthday week though, so it's okay.

      Night 2

      Meditated a bit before bed, didn't record times for any of these nights. I also did some decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I can't really read my handwriting here, but there was an autistic boy who said something strange when he meant "thank you," and his mother had to translate.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      This girl, a senior in high school, was sexually abusing her brother. Their parents were dead and he was cut off from the outside world so he constantly went to her for head pats. She left for school and was almost killed for mocking a deity, but avoided it by pleading "love" for her brother. -_- It was decided that she would be executed as soon as she graduated, though.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      I was a super muscular guy with super powers, and this other muscular guy was fighting Todoroki with me. He had jetpack boots and special moves but we still beat him, slamming him into the wall of the arena. Later there was a scene change, a dungeon, where horses and monkeys were trapped in jail cells. The monkeys could (and wanted to) sacrifice themselves for the horses. One asked if he could sacrifice himself for a human but we didn't allow it. There were also some cats wandering around in there.

      Dream #4 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag 1: Playing word games with (S) and their brother, similar to Bananagrams except we took turns.
      Frag 2: I brought something to a circus-like place.

      Night 3

      Did decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I had somehow been transported to 1964 and all I had was some then-unreleased Korean candy. I decided to sell it and make a killing.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      A boy was pitching a new Owari no Seraph series, called Niko something, made by the director of Yurikuma Arashi. It was a fan fav, rated 4.87 stars.

      Later someone was asking a bear, “Sir, please give me your yuri.” But something felt off. The progression of the relationship was weird.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      My mom was being really uptight… (illegible). Later I was pulling back my hair and saw I had white hair underneath. This horrified me for some reason and I was doing everything I could to disguise it.

      Later I watched an anime an talked to (S).

      Night 4

      Did good reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      Stephanie Soo was recording herself in a cheap apartment, except she was an anime loli girl. She stood on a coffee table and gave a tour.

      Scene change. I was making hearts in a pond. I was very bothered when someone pointed out that as a child I only made rectangles.

      Scene change. MC was an anime girl who was also a lesbian. She was in a parking lot and two people, a man and a woman, pulled into a spot in a Jeep. The girl was completely spellbound by the woman.

      The two claimed to be firefighters and stole a bunch of her stuff. When the girl said she liked the woman because she was “petite,” she got chased around the lot, but she liked it.

      Then they left, saying their name was “UTY,” and shouted “US. TRUST. YOUUUUUU!!!!!” as they drove away with all her stuff.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      People were killing Titans, also known as Guardians. They were mind-controlling them to walk into walls and kill themselves. But a small one (the size of someone’s palm), had magical powers and was able to bring them back.

      Who's from England...I need some guy tips-compyuri.jpg

      Night 5

      Did decent reality checks and meditated briefly.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Again I had another dream about having white hair underneath my normal hair. This time I tried to take a picture in the mirror, but struggled a lot.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      I was at some interesting hotel place instead of school. But my dad found me and stole a school bus and started speeding down the street. He nearly hit a car but it turned just in time, but on school grounds he crashed into a mound of dirt and killed two kids!

      As soon as the bus came to a stop I bolted out and into the school, dropping a moon rock I’d picked up earlier. The interior was different and there was a disco ball hung from the ceiling.

      My friend (A) walked in and I complained to her, but she didn’t believe me. I screamed at her that two kids were dead and he was always doing stuff like this—how could she doubt me?!

      Night 6

      Did good reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Lucid):
      I was at a carnival. A dude was selling donuts in a strange neighborhood. Later I went home and my grandma was there. For some reason this struck me as extremely strange and I stared at her for a while before realizing, Oh, this must be a dream. Then I woke up.

      Dream #2 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      My dad called me a whiny complainer. I was about to go off on him, but woke up before I could.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      I was trying to fix my mechanical pencil, singing in my head. For some reason it was a very complicated process and I was on edge. Then my mom told me that my brother’s friends had stolen my rock-climbing passes and we needed to go meet them at the place now. Apparently we were late for my birthday party (which IWL was the next day).

      I broke down crying and stumbled up to my room, screaming at the top of my lungs. My dad was in the bathroom and yelled at me to shut up.

      Night 7:

      Did decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      Crocodiles were killing seniors. We followed a friendly one down a path to escape, but still had to fight a few on the way.

      No WBTB this night

      Night 8

      Did decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Lucid):
      This dream was in anime format, with episodes and everything. A middle schooler was trying to save this girl named Mari. He was stuck in a time loop, running to the school roof over and over and over, where she would be standing, and then he would get teleported back down until she sent him a few texts. He met a couple friends, Xu and Enta. Xu was kind or a punk, Enta was a good honor student.

      At some point a giant frog detached from another building, a dramatic song playing in the background and the sound effects very vivid. It hopped onto the middle school roof and started drinking the girl’s life force.

      Anyway in one of the time loops he managed to save her from hanging herself by dashing to the roof the second she texted, “It’s the end.” But then she said she had also taken poison hours ago and it would surely be in her system by now. So even if he went back in time again, how could he stop her?

      Suddenly he was in my body (but still himself) and taking a bath while talking to Enta on the phone. Enta had forgotten him and Xu, so MC was trying to convince him they were friends by talking about the test scores he’d just recieved. The only reason he’d taken that test was because of them. He wanted to get into a good college and make a lot of money to take care of his mom and siblings. MC started choking up when talking about what a good person he was, looking at a yuri towel that doesn’t exist IWL.

      Then my brother barged into the bathroom and I took over the position of MC. I yelled at him to get out, then realized my dad had been on the toilet this whole time.

      Suddenly I became lucid. I got out of the bath and telepathically swung the door open, manifesting forks and knives and throwing them into the wall. I mind-controlled my dad to have a desperate urge to collect them all, and started throwing popcorn as well.

      I wonder if these items come from somewhere in the world, I thought. My lucidity level was not the highest. Then there’s no guarantee they’re all fresh, right?

      I ate one of the more buttery-looking kernels, but it was nasty so I ran to the sink to wash my mouth out. Then I flew up to my room, phasing through the door easily. It might be the first time I’ve phased through an opaque surface without losing lucidity; I felt super powerful in this dream. (Still, I was only vaguely thinking of the competition.)

      I knelt down on the floor and closed my eyes, imagining a complicated T-shirt design. When I opened my eyes, it was only partially formed, so I had to manually fix it by running my hands down its length, the rest of it forming before my eyes. The design was a bit dim, so I made it brighter by doing the same thing.

      I was trying to take a picture, even though I knew I couldn’t bring it back to waking life. I just wanted to see if it would show up on camera as well. It took a lot of effort to keep it materialized, and my mom broke my concentration by yelling at me to take a shower.
      It woke me up, but I’m really happy about this LD ^w^

      Dream #2 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag1: I was in a fantasy world and killed two crows.
      Frag2: My dog was cuddling with a cat. I was surprised because he usually wants to eat them.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      I was on the phone with a little girl. She was lying between two houses, pretending that a boy named Jake had possessed her by stabbing her with an icicle. Her real name was Jane, and she was copying a behavior my friend (S) had been doing lately.

      I called (S), who was at college, demanding to know what was going on with them. They were always away, and if they weren’t they were between houses, or with some weird guy. During the phone call I met up with them in person, and they explained everything to me.

      The kid apparently thought they were a super powerful reincarnated deity, and they had to keep up the act. The kid joined us, and (S) slammed down a dangerously hot gold hammer into the ground, pretending it was a manifestation of their powers.

      I became less and less myself as the dream went on, pushed into an observer role. The one who had replaced me joined in on a shared delusion of the two that the school principal was behind all their problems. They marched to headquarters and fought the guards, one of which was a super cool neko girl with a black-and-white mask. She talked like a robot and for a decade had been in charge of China.

      We were losing but another girl joined us. She was inexperienced but managed to tie with another powerful guard. They both died. (S) had weak fire powers and was engaged in combat with the weakest of the guards, while the MC who had replaced me was standing in the middle “charging.”

      She was enraged at the death of her friend, her powers growing and growing until she lost it and blew up the entire hallway, killing everyone in it, including her friends. (The “narrator” was really dramatic about this, repeatedly saying she forgot to shield them, trying to get just the right tone.)

      The MC walked into the vault which was being guarded. Turns out the principal actually was evil and had been possessed. She would put very little funding into the school, using 90% of it on herself. I woke up as they were talking, but it seemed like the MC was going to become the new principal, under the condition that she be isolated for the rest of her life.

      Who's from England...I need some guy tips-compmaskedneko.jpg

      Night 2
      Brief meditation and RCs - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x4) - 4 points
      Total: 7 points

      Night 3
      RCs - .5 points
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points
      Total: 5 points

      Night 4
      RCs - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points
      Theme - 3 points
      Drawings - 2 points
      Total: 10 points

      Night 5
      RCs and meditation - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Total: 4.5 points

      Night 6
      RCs - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      DILD - 10 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Total: 14.5 points

      Night 7
      RCs - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Total: 1.5 points

      Night 8
      RCs - .5 points
      DILD - 10 points
      Telekinesis - 5 points
      Advanced Summoning (I could see the forks appearing in my hand) - 10 points
      DC Manipulation / Mind Control - 5 points
      Eat/Drink Something - 5 points
      Fly + First Chosen Task - 10 points
      Fully Phase through Big Solid Object + Second Chosen Task - 20 points
      Basic Summoning (Partially-formed T-shirt) - 5 points
      Advanced Summoning + Third Chosen Task (forming the rest of the T-shirt) - 25 points (**This counts because it's for the 3-step tasks, right?**)
      Drawings - 2 points
      Total: 97.5 points

      Comp total: 149 points

      Updated 01-15-2024 at 01:34 AM by 99938 (forgot to add night one points)

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Comp Nights 1 & 2 - Gigantic Moose and DC Manipulation!

      by , 09-04-2023 at 04:15 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      I'm back in MeiSEKAI for the first time in a while, with an LD to show off for comp! Unfortunately I don't have time to add much detail to non-lucids >_<

      NIGHT 1

      Dream #1 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag1: S was still in Morocco, and J and I seriously shipped Ms. T with a new (false) assistant English teacher. I put their (illegible) together.

      Frag2: Checking out colleges but not really? Kind of a blur. Later saw S and mom, she snapped at S to not "act different." Then I (illegible).

      Woke at 2:50 and WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag1: Ms. T and another teacher kept writing on a board that English and Art were not useless.

      Frag2: Dude had a lot of money but was saving it to go on a trip to/with/for the person he likes. He thought it was funny and didn't seem to know why he liked her, but said that she was "relaxing." 5:30 WBTB.

      Dream #3 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Featured an expert on "letter analysis." 6:50 WBTB.

      Dream #4 (Non-Lucid):
      Plot1: MC ran away from home... actually, he flew away from home, which set off alarm bells in the back of my NEO mind. He stole J & L's dad's car and drove off with their (false) dogs. Ended up in a hotel and kept getting notifications from his 3DS, but didn't wanna respond in case it could be tracked. So he searched it up on his phone, not knowing that phones are trackable.

      At some point he looked out the window of his hotel room and saw his classmates(?) on a field trip. One kid spotted him and, for some reason, MC didn't break eye contact. The kid told the group and ran into the hotel, bursting into MC's room, but by that point he'd already flown out the window. He was pursued, and they had a conversation I can't remember.

      Plot2: An assassin on the job decided to kill another guy on the side. But when said guy turned the corner, he made eye contact and flashed the revolver at his hip. MC was a bit startled. He pressed himself against the wall so he couldn't be seen from a ledge above, a good thing because moments later revolver guy was standing on it, mimicking a seductive woman's voice to try and lure MC into the open.

      Ironically MC's interest was piqued not because he was fooled, but because that was also his method of killing. If the dream had continued, it would've turned into a gay assassin x assassin romance.

      Plot3: An evil man was on trial, and a woman stood up to testify. In an NEO-moderated speech she said that even worse than the things he was on trial for, was the fact that he had groomed her teenage son. Everyone clapped and when she went into the back room, she received a bunch of Project Sekai rewards. One of them was a song so obscure it surprised me to the point of being impressed. Woke at 8:29 and had to get up.

      NIGHT 2

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I was "getting a story" from out of a trash can, both manipulating each other. [I have no idea what I meant.] The videos were mostly ads and extremely generic. I was thinking about cognitive abilities and lucid dreams, hoping they would mention them. 4:00 WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid)
      Plot1: A journalist was jumping around trying to capture interesting moments between [stopped writing for some reason].

      Plot2: I told my mom I didn't know how to do something, and she started screaming, calling me a pathetic waste of space and an effing idiot and et cetera. I just stood there waiting for her to stop.

      Plot3: This was the largest part of the dream but I couldn't quite remember it. A bunch of people were fighting about something on a reality TV show… at some point I told my mom I was recording them to placate her. 5:30 WBTB.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      Very brief yuri plot, teacher x teacher. One of them had the asexual flag tattooed on her palm and was upset about something. Her partner suggested they move out because Japan was too (illegible, but something similar to conservative?). 7:00 WBTB.

      Dream #4 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      (Illegible, something about people not taking my advice.) S had to give advice instead, which is ironic. 7:30 WBTB.

      Dream #5 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Someone was trying to understand someone else's culture. 8:00 WBTB.

      Dream #6 (Lucid):
      Plot1: There was a lesbian TV show being played somewhere, and I found one of the actresses in my basement. I told her that I thought the show had been made in the 60s or 70s, but actually it was released in 2022. She told me that the other main lead found a husband and they were no longer in contact, but it was clear she missed her and implied that she wanted us to go find her.

      Plot2: I was in the basement talking to my dad, when I saw my dog Nile sitting outside the sliding glass doors. I told Z and he went out to get him, but walked right past, even as he went from puppy- to normal-size. To prank him I brought Nile inside and shut the doors, but he came back with a nearly identical dog in his arms!

      "Um, Z, that's not Nile," I said, but they looked so similar I doubted myself. Then another dog appeared and suddenly we were outside in our neighborhood. A glass dome surrounded it, and the grassy part in the middle had become a jungle. We were searching for the dogs that weren't Nile, to return them to their owners. I think I examined floating screenshots to find out that one's name was Riddick.

      Other animals were in the jungle as well, and they all had "file names" you could view by focusing in on them. Some were just the name of the animal ("parakeet") but others were more personal ("the weird one"). There was also a gigantic moose walking around.

      "I didn't know moose were that big," my dad said.

      "I know right? It's scary." I pulled out my phone to take a picture, but paused when it turned in my direction. "Uh, is it…?"

      I slowly started drifting away (we'd been flying the whole time), but when it stepped closer, I turned tail and accelerated so quickly it worried me. I could hear its footsteps thundering behind me, so I flew higher and higher, trying to reach a tall tree for cover. But then I saw the glass dome and decided to phase through it like I do in my dreams,
      which got me lucid!

      I kept going, flying as fast as a jet (now that I think about it, this is Advanced Flying, isn't it?), and there were clouds and green fields below me as far as the eye could see, zipping past in a blur. My fear of heights seemed to have disappeared, and I was enjoying it so much that I pushed myself to go faster and faster. At some point I tried to shoot fireballs out of my hands, but it didn't work.

      Okay, okay, I gotta think, what should I do for comp? The first thing that popped into my head was three-step tasks, and with some difficulty I remembered "Fly" as my first. Check!

      I incorrectly remembered DC Manipulation/Mind Control as my second, so I flew down to the first DC I spotted. She was a young woman in a crop jacket and loose jeans, nose buried in her phone.

      I whispered under my breath for her to get on her stomach and crawl, not loud enough to hear. But it was only when I made her want to do it, when I imagined her doing it, that she flopped onto her stomach. Still, she didn't crawl, and I started to worry that it wouldn't count for the competition if she didn't fully follow through. I had the sense that I was short on time.

      "Crawl!" I yelled, but she just lay there with an expression of lazy smugness. Again I made her want to do it, imagined her doing it, and she did! She crawled forward! I was ecstatic, but before I could even think about my third task,
      I woke at 8:30 and had to get up. Pretty successful dream, though, even if it was short and I messed up the task order!

      I actually have two or three more LDs to add from my period of inactivity, but I'll deal with them later. Oh yeah, and I filled up another DJ, though my handwriting has gotten much worse since then

      Night 1:
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ˝ point
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x3) - 3 points
      Sum: 5.5 points

      Night 2:
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment (x3) - 1.5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points
      DILD - 10 points
      Fly + First Chosen Task - 10 5 points
      Advanced Flying - 10 points
      Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      DC Manipulation / Mind Control - 5 points
      Sum: 42.5 37.5
      Previous sum: 5.5 points
      Comp total: 48 points 43 points

      Lil sketch:
      23 years icedawq-unnamed-10-.jpg

      Updated 09-10-2023 at 02:14 PM by 99938

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment